Riley, Charles Dennis (Danny)

Age: 25
Date of birth: c1918

Parents: John and Emily Riley
Address: 3 Castle Lane, Warwick

Occupation: Worked at the Rover Motor Works in Coventry

Danny’s parents were both Warwick born and married at St Nicholas Church in 1905. Their eldest daughter, Doris Gertrude (1907-1992) was their only child at the time of the 1911 Census when the family lived at 3 Castle Street.

Other children followed – John Henry (1911-1984), Margaret E (1913-1958), Kathleen O (1916-2004) and finally Danny (Charles Dennis). Danny was a pupil at Westgate School.

Danny’s father, John, died in 1927 and was buried in Warwick Cemetery. When Danny died he left his estate of £134 11s 3d to his eldest sister Doris, who was by that time married to Thomas Blackwell. His second sister, Margaret, married Charles Askew.

Danny’s mother died in 1967 at the age of 89 and was living in St Mary’s Almshouses at the time. She is also buried in Warwick Cemetery.

Military Service

Rank & Number: Bombardier, 1492035
Regiment/Service: Heavy Anti Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery
Brigade/Division: 253 Battery
Date of death: 28th October 1943
Cause of death/Battle: Lost at sea
Commemorated/Buried: Commemorated on the Athens Memorial, Greece. Face 2
Commemorated locally at:


The first piece below appeared in the Warwick Advertiser on 13th December 1940 alongside other details of others, submitted by families and friends, serving in the war effort.

Three and a half years later, the same paper reported that Danny was  missing, whereas he had died eight months earlier.


  • Unlocking Warwick Research Group
  • Warwick Advertiser excerpt courtesy of Warwickshire County Record Office

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