Parents: Joseph and Catherine Jackson Wife: Single Address: 41 Albert Street
Occupation: Gardener (private house)
Rex was baptised at St Marys in Warwick on 6th September 1896, as Albert Rex Jackson. At the time his parents were living at 29 Saltisford and his father was a stonemason.
In the 1901 census, the children of Joseph and Catherine Jackson are listed as Joseph F. aged 6 (later known as Fred), Albert N (4) and Catherine (6 months). At that time the family were living at 16 North Rock, in Saltisford, Warwick and Joseph Snr was working as a stonemason.
According to the 1911 census the family were living at 41 Albert Street and there had been 4 children of whom Rex, Joseph and Catherine had survived. Joseph Snr. was recorded as an out of work stonemason to a building contractor, while Joseph Jnr was employed as a labourer at a motor works. Rex was working as a gardener.
Warwick Advertiser 24th August 1918:
Rex is commemorated on his mother’s grave in Warwick Cemetery where the inscription reads:
In Ever Loving Memory of
CATHERINE JACKSON who fell asleep July 28th 1938 aged 70.
And her son REX Sgt. 1/7 Warwicks Regt. killed in Italy August 8th 1918 aged 22
Military Service
Rank & Number: Sergeant, 242838 Regiment/Service: 1st/7th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment Brigade/Division: 143rd Brigade, 48th Division Date of death: Thursday, August 08, 1918 Cause of death/Battle: Killed in an accident Commemorated/Buried: Barenthal Military Cemetery, Italy Awards: British War Medal, Victory Medal Commemorated locally at:
Rex Jackson appears to have been wounded in August of each year of his service, according to this notice in the Warwick Advertiser’s Local War Items of 25th August 1917. Ultimately, he was ‘accidentally killed by the explosion of a shell.’
Rex was killed at the same time and place as David Field, who is also commemorated on Warwick War Memorial. His mother applied for him to be included on the memorial.
Rex’s brother Fred also served in the war and was injured at Ypres in April 1915. He died at the general hospital at Hatton in 1962 at the age of 68
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Warwick Advertiser excerpts courtesy of Warwickshire County Record Office
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